These internal communications are not less relevant: they serve as a connecting bridge between various teams, they help create a unified sense of purpose, and they also help us experiment a little bit with ideas that might manifest in the external world.

The approach to these visual expressions is one that takes into account the fact that not everyone at DevDiv is a developer, we are all just humans. Introducing vibrant, human colors, textures and language has helped equalize the organization, providing it with templates, and assets which are constantly evolving.

One of the more demanding kinds of projects is designing marketing pages for developers as an entry point to our suite of tools. This audience ranges from entry level to professional, and the tonality we apply is one that injects humanity, color and expressiveness, to an otherwise stereotypical approach to designing for developers.

We also design consistent and fun covers for our very own Figma plugins, developed by some of the smartest people I've worked with. These are fantastic opportunities for the work that our design studio creates for the Figma community.